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Plan and Verify Your Tax Benefits: Consider These Roth Strategies

These past few years have brought political, economic, social, and medical conflicts in rapid succession. We have also had three legislative acts to promote tax, retirement, and economic stimulus in these years. Coincidence or not, each of these Acts have provided additional incentive to review a number of Roth strategies that may improve tax outcomes.
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SDBA: Professionally Manage Your 401(k), 403(b), 457 Plan

  There is very little argument that it is important to start retirement savings early, and to keep doing it. However, approximately 40% of plan participants are not confident that they know what their personal investment selections should be; and about 30% experience a lot of stress in selecting their 401(k) investments.1  The 403(b) is the corresponding plan for tax-exempt organizations, as found in educational institutions, hospitals, or religious groups. The uncertainty and stres
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Start Your Tax Efficient Distribution Planning Early

One of the most important components of financial planning is how you manage your taxes. You make decisions with your budget, debt management, savings, investing, retirement plans, and real estate. Taxes are a consideration in all of these areas.
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When Do I Need Life Insurance and What Types Should I Consider?

In theory, you would think that the subject of life insurance would be a fairly cut and dry subject. However, once you think about what it is for, who it is for, the strategies described (ie. wealth transfer, business insurance, executive benefits), and the philosophical views (just buy term and invest the difference), you find you could be dealing with
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What Are the Financial Risks of Disability and How Can I Protect Myself?

The occupation of  a physician can encompass so many facets, specialties, and variations. It would seem quite challenging to properly protect against a possible loss of income. In addition, doctors normally start out their careers deeply in the “red.” The many years of schooling and substantial level of debt already put the profession in a
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What Debt Management Options Work Best for Me?

Physicians are viewed with a great deal of respect. It requires a high level of intelligence, capacity, and work ethic. It also demands a deep pocket book.
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What is Cash Flow Based Planning and What Can It Do For Me?

Running a household follows many of the same principles as running a business. Both have cash coming in from various sources, and cash outflows for various purposes. Each will have
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An Introduction to Financial Planning for Physicians

 As a patient and grateful family member to patients, I have a special admiration and affinity for physicians. After years of financial planning with physicians, I have found we have a lot in common. Though physicians strive for physical well-being and planners for financial well-being, there are a number of parallels in our approach.  
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